Local Government in WA
There are 144 Local Governments in Western Australia. A total of 114 of these are outside of the Perth Metropolitan Area. The physical size of each Shire varies greatly from the 1.5km2 of the Town of Peppermint Grove to the over 375,000km2 of the Shire of East Pilbara - the world's largest Shire!
Statewide, Local Government employs almost 10,000 full time and 1,700 part time employees. Total Local Government income was over $1.5 billion in 2000/2001.
Local Government is collectively represented by the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA). WALGA provides leadership, support and services to Local Governments throughout the state. More information on WALGA can be found on www.walga.asn.au
For a brief history on Local Government in Western Australia go to walga.asn.au/About-Local-Government/History